Carysfort Clinic
Repeat Prescriptions
The request can be made in person at the reception desk, by post enclosing a stamped addressed envelope, or by telephoning 01 288 7328 (during office hours). We require 48 hours to process your request for repeat medication whether ordered by telephone, by letter or in person.
Please ensure your order your repeat prescription well in advance of running out of your medication to ensure treatment is continuous. Requests for non-repeat prescriptions will be passed to the doctor for attention, a fee may apply.

Test Results
Results of investigations e.g. blood tests, x-rays etc, are available by contacting the surgery directly.
Information will not be given to another person unless you have prior permission.
Contact Us
Get In Touch
(01) 288 7328 or (01) 288 7329
The phone lines are closed from
12.30 to 1.30pm daily, 5.30pm Monday – Thursday & 4.30pm Friday.
11 Proby Square, Carysfort Ave,
Rockfield, Blackrock, Co. Dublin,
A94 AD91